Mouseover any square to change the stripe of every square in that column and row, (try not to mouseover anything until everything is finished downloading), If you swipe through the 1st, 3rd and 5th rows and columns (every other row or column), horizontally and vertically using 4 colors and size 6 or any even number cube... you'll get a nice pattern... then you can swipe through any row or column twice or just touch any outside edge twice and it rearranges it into a maze type of shape. (you can also swipe through using the same pattern like "L" or "Z" twice or click "colors" and bump up to 12 and it gets really interesting) Looks like it could be used in future as four way quantum switching method. If you make a mistake or touch one square by accident and you don't want to clear the whole thing... just touch the same square again and again colors-1 times until everything comes back to previous. If you check the "single click" box you can click on any square and change only that square. The patterns like r1,r2,r3,r4,b4,b3,b2,b1,w1,w2,w3,w4 are the actual names of the squares and their advancement pattern. They would get assigned zero through eleven The numbers in the input box are their positions on the cube. You can put any number pattern into the input box and it will replicate itself for the whole cube. For instance... 5,4,7,4,5,4,10,9,8,9,10,9 or 1,4,7,10,7,4,1 These are the number representations of the squares order. | Click browser refresh to change puzzle size | | Flux by Jim Cranwell | Rubik's | © Goddess 401 | | | | View Guestbook | | | | | |