:Disp "cranwell@yahoo.com" :Lbl Cranwell:ClLCD :For(F,1,8) :Outpt(F,1,"Q####") :End:101üW :3üC:1üL:0üD:1üQ :5üI:21üJ:0üSR:4üE :EüE1:IüI1:5üK :Outpt(I,21,"Ê") :"CRUNCH"üH :Lbl E:0üP:K+1üK :If Kù15 :Then:HüT:Goto K:End :For(F,1,8) :Outpt(F,K,"#"):End :Outpt(E,K," ") : :Lbl L:P+1üP :getKyüX :If X==24:Goto F :If X==25 or X==34 :Goto M : :Lbl V :iPart 3rand-1üQ :If Q==0:Goto V :If P>9:Goto E :If E>7:ú1üQ :If E<2:1üQ :E+QüE :Outpt(E1,K,"#") :Outpt(E,K," ") :EüE1:0üN :Goto L : :Lbl M :If X==25:ú1üN :If X==34:1üN :If I==1:1üN :If I==8:ú1üN :I+NüI :Outpt(I1,21," ") :Outpt(I,21,"Ê") :IüI1 :Goto L : :Lbl F :"*QUACK"üT :W-5üW:0üX :Repeat J==K+1 :J-1üJ :Outpt(I,J,"*-") :End :If J÷21 and E==I :Goto K : :Lbl D :Repeat J==21 :Outpt(E,J+1," ") :Outpt(I,J," Ê") :J+1üJ:End :If E==I and Kù15 :Goto Q :Goto V : :Lbl K :0üP:ú1üF :Repeat F==2 :F+KüG :Outpt(E,G,T) :F+1üF:End:KüJ :For(Z,1,57,1):End :If E==I and Kù15 :Goto D :If Kù2:Then :For(F,1,8) :Outpt(F,K-1,"# ") :End:K-1üK:End :Outpt(E,K," ") :SR+9üSR :If K÷1:Goto Q :Goto D :Lbl Q:1üF :Repeat F>(SR/3) :F+1üF :iPart 8rand+1üV :iPart 17rand+1üU :Outpt(V,U,T) :End :For(F,1,401):End :ClLCD :Lbl O :Outpt(3,8," Score: ") :SR+WüW :Outpt(3,15,W) :If W>DCK :InpST "NAME=?",NM :If W>DCK:WüDCK :Outpt(5,5,NM+"'S ") :Outpt(6,3," High Score: ") :Outpt(6,16,DCK) :Disp " GODDESS 401" : :